CS2 Full Optimization Tutorial: Boost FPS & Reduce Latency

Edited on: September 24, 2024 - 07:47:23

Categories: Gaming


Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) is a fast-paced first-person shooter where every millisecond counts. For competitive players, optimizing both latency and performance can provide a significant advantage. This comprehensive guide covers everything from in-game settings to advanced Windows and hardware configurations to help you achieve the lowest latency and best performance possible.


  • A high-refresh-rate monitor (144Hz or above recommended)
  • Wired internet connection
  • Latest GPU drivers (NVIDIA or AMD)
  • Administrative access to Windows and BIOS

Step 1: In-Game Settings

  1. Resolution: Set to your monitor's native resolution for clarity or lower it to gain higher FPS.
  2. Aspect Ratio: Use 4:3 (Stretched) for a more focused view or 16:9 for a wider field of vision.
  3. Display Mode: Fullscreen Exclusive (minimizes input lag).
  4. Refresh Rate: Set to the highest supported by your monitor.
  5. V-Sync: Disable (adds input lag).
  6. Anti-Aliasing: Set to "None" or "MSAA 2X" (higher settings reduce FPS).
  7. Global Shadow Quality: Set to "Low" to reduce GPU load.
  8. Model/Texture Detail: "Low" or "Medium" depending on your GPU capabilities.
  9. Texture Filtering Mode: "Bilinear" minimizes GPU load.
  10. Shader Detail: Set to "Low" to reduce CPU load.
  11. Particle Detail: "Low" reduces FPS drops during intense scenes.
  12. Ambient Occlusion: Disable for better performance.
  13. High Dynamic Range (HDR): Disable unless you have a high-end GPU.
  14. Multicore Rendering: Enable to utilize multiple CPU cores.
  15. Motion Blur: Disable for clearer visuals and better performance.
  16. Boost Player Contrast: Enable to improve visibility of opponents.
  17. Wait for Vertical Sync: Disable to reduce input lag.
  18. Triple Buffering: Disable to minimize input lag.
  19. Uber Shaders: Enable for smoother performance; however, if you experience stuttering, consider disabling.

Step 2: Windows Settings

  1. Power Plan: Set to "High Performance" or "Ultimate Performance" (if available).
    • Go to Control Panel > Power Options > Select "High Performance" or "Ultimate Performance".
  2. Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs:
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager > Go to the Startup tab > Disable non-essential programs.
  3. Enable Game Mode:
    • Go to Settings > Gaming > Game Mode > Turn on Game Mode.
  4. Disable Xbox Game Bar:
    • Go to Settings > Gaming > Xbox Game Bar > Turn off.
  5. Disable Captures (Background Recording):
    • Go to Settings > Gaming > Captures > Turn off "Record what happened".
  6. Adjust Visual Effects for Best Performance:
    • Right-click on This PC > Properties > Advanced system settings > Under Performance, click Settings > Select "Adjust for best performance".
  7. Disable Fullscreen Optimizations:
    • Navigate to your CS2 executable file (e.g., cs2.exe).
    • Right-click > Properties > Compatibility tab > Check "Disable fullscreen optimizations".
  8. Enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling (if available):
    • Go to Settings > System > Display > Graphics Settings > Turn on "Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling".

Step 3: NVIDIA Control Panel Settings

  1. Update Drivers: Keep your GPU drivers updated through GeForce Experience or NVIDIA's website.
  2. Adjust NVIDIA Control Panel Settings:
    • Right-click on your desktop > Open NVIDIA Control Panel.
    • Go to Manage 3D settings > Select the Program Settings tab.
    • Add Counter-Strike 2 if it's not already in the list.
    • Adjust the following settings:
      • Power Management Mode: Prefer Maximum Performance.
      • Low Latency Mode: Ultra.
      • Texture Filtering - Quality: High Performance.
      • Threaded Optimization: On.
      • Vertical Sync: Off.
      • Maximum Pre-rendered Frames: 1.
      • Antialiasing - FXAA: Off.
      • Ambient Occlusion: Off.
      • Triple Buffering: Off.
  3. Adjust Display Settings:
    • Under Display > Change resolution:
      • Set the refresh rate to the highest available.
    • Under Adjust desktop size and position:
      • Scaling mode: Full-screen.
      • Perform scaling on: GPU.
      • Check "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs".

Step 4: AMD Radeon Settings (If Applicable)

  1. Update Drivers: Keep your GPU drivers updated through AMD Radeon Software.
  2. Adjust Radeon Settings:
    • Open AMD Radeon Software > Go to Gaming tab > Select Counter-Strike 2.
    • Adjust the following settings:
      • Radeon Anti-Lag: Enabled.
      • Image Sharpening: Set to preference (may impact performance).
      • Radeon Chill: Disabled.
      • Frame Rate Target Control: Disabled (or set to your monitor's refresh rate).
      • Anti-Aliasing: Use application settings.
      • Texture Filtering Quality: Performance.
      • Vertical Refresh: Always Off.

Step 5: BIOS Settings

  1. Update BIOS: Download the latest BIOS firmware from your motherboard's official website and follow their instructions carefully.
  2. Enable XMP or DOCP Profile:
    • Enter BIOS settings during system startup (usually by pressing F2 or Delete).
    • Navigate to the memory settings and enable XMP (Intel) or DOCP (AMD) to run your RAM at its rated speed.
  3. Enable Resizable BAR (If Supported):
    • Allows the CPU to access the full GPU memory, improving performance.
    • Find the setting in BIOS under advanced settings and enable it.
  4. Disable Unused Hardware Components:
    • Disable onboard audio, Wi-Fi, or other components if not in use to free up system resources.

Step 6: Network Settings

  1. Use Wired Connection: Always use Ethernet over Wi-Fi for the most stable and lowest latency connection.
  2. Optimize Network Adapter Settings:
    • Go to Device Manager > Expand Network adapters > Right-click your adapter > Properties > Advanced tab.
    • Adjust the following settings:
      • Interrupt Moderation: Disable.
      • Flow Control: Disable.
      • Energy Efficient Ethernet: Disable.
      • Speed & Duplex: Set to the highest supported full duplex mode (e.g., 1.0 Gbps Full Duplex).
  3. Change DNS Servers:
    • Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
    • Right-click your network adapter > Properties > Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Click Properties.
    • Select "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter:
      • Preferred DNS server:
      • Alternate DNS server:
  4. Disable Network Throttling:
    • Press Windows key + R, type regedit, and press Enter.
    • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile.
    • Find NetworkThrottlingIndex and set its value to ffffffff (eight f's).
  5. Disable Windows Auto-Tuning:
    • Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
    • Run the command: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Step 7: Steam Launch Options

  1. Set Launch Options:
    • Right-click on CS2 in your Steam Library > Click Properties.
    • Under the General tab, find Launch Options.
    • Enter the following:
      -novid -nojoy -freq 144 -fullscreen -threads 4
      • -novid: Skips the intro video.
      • -nojoy: Disables joystick support.
      • -freq 144: Sets the refresh rate (adjust to your monitor's refresh rate).
      • -fullscreen: Forces full-screen mode.
      • -threads 4: Sets the number of processor threads (adjust based on your CPU).
  2. Note on Launch Options:
    • Some launch options from CS:GO are deprecated in CS2 due to the new engine and sub-tick system.
    • Avoid using outdated commands like -tickrate 128 or +cl_forcepreload 1, as they may cause issues.

Step 8: In-Game Console Commands

  1. Enable Developer Console:
    • Go to Settings > Game > Set "Enable Developer Console (~)" to Yes.
  2. Adjust Network Settings:
    • Open the console and enter:
      • rate 786432: Sets the maximum bytes per second the game can receive.
      • cl_cmdrate 128: Sets the maximum number of command packets sent to the server per second.
      • cl_updaterate 128: Sets the number of updates received from the server per second.
      • cl_interp 0: Sets interpolation amount (should be 0 to auto-adjust).
      • cl_interp_ratio 1: Ratio used to determine interpolation amount.
  3. Adjust Mouse Settings:
    • Disable mouse acceleration:
      • m_rawinput 1: Enables raw mouse input.
      • m_customaccel 0: Disables custom mouse acceleration.
      • m_mousespeed 0: Disables Windows mouse acceleration.


By following these optimizations, you should experience a significant improvement in CS2 performance and reduced latency. Remember that every system is different, so test each setting individually to find the best combination for your setup. Stay updated with the latest patches and driver updates, as developers often release performance improvements. Good luck and happy gaming!